Bulletin 1

Event center and services:
The event center is a wilderness resort ”Eräkeskus Metsäkouluntie” It is located in Liesjärvi, Tammela, about 100 km northwest from Helsinki. The address of the Event Center is Metsäkouluntie 60, 31350 Liesjärvi (https://www.google.fi/maps/place/Mets%C3%A4kouluntie+60,+31350+Tammela/@60.6992347,23.9258513,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x468e7fec0038535f:0xeaad2099f1011265!8m2!3d60.6992347!4d23.92804).
There are rooms for rent in the event center, ask owner of resort via 040 513 2098 or erakeskus.metsakouluntie@gmail.com. In addition, there is café and a small shop.

Event map:
Scale 1:40 000, contour interval 5m, a topographical map based on Maanmittauslaitos material.

There will be a car park at the event center. The car park is close to the competition center.

Bulletin 2 will be published on 31 th July